
​I know a woman, 

oh so divine.                                                   

She would lighten up the room             

with just a stroke of smile.                         

or she did, before                                        

she gave up everything that made her godlike,                                                         

with each passing day her silhouette went astray,

her figure now a faint memory           

feebly etched in our brains. 

Her keeper is the one who subdued her soul,                                                               

piece by piece, she gave up control. 

A short lived life,

 laced with anguish, 

ceased her core, 

but her heart, resilient that it was,

 held on. 

the world will never know,                       

the legacy she left,                                       

the only thing that’s left of her,                 

is her charred remains. 

© Damini Singh 

Author: the perfect prole

After years of silent stalking, I finally want to foray in the dangerous territory of adulthood, and the first thing I do is setting up this blog to document all the clumsy journeys I will undertake,.

20 thoughts on “Stockholm ”

  1. Lovely piece dear ❤️

    I’m sorry that you’ve been so hurt… But then again in some way I am happy. Happy to know what growth and beauty lies ahead of you. You will rise stronger than you were with the keeper of your old self. Don’t forget that 🙂

    I too took up writing as solace from a world of hurt.. But I now know I wouldn’t have things play out any other way. My experiences made me who I am and I wouldn’t regret a single one.

    I look forward to hearing your journey.

    Happy writing!


    1. Fioza, your words have truly made my day and I have the brightest smile right now.
      I am really happy that you triumphed the demons surrounding you and am hoping to do the same and want to keep getting inspired by you. I made a new poem, hope you will like it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, first of all thanks for taking time out to read it and secondly sorry for my late response. You know, what I feel is that even if her efforts are valued after her demise, it’s of no use, because the woman suffered her whole life. It really breaks my heart that there is no happy ending for her.


    1. Hey Fred, thanks for reading the poem and I know I was myself heart broken for her, and believe me I wanted to give her a happy ending, but I could not believe it in my heart that in real world things would have changed for her. That’s why I had to 😥


  2. This is just piece of informative and educative tool to develop ourselves. I feel sorrry for that woman despite all her efforts. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey thanks for taking time out to comment and read it. And one can hope that people might learn something from it, but often at times when people are stuck in such abusive conditions, they rarely are able to take an out pass and they drown more and more every day.


    1. Hey thanks a lot for your kind words 🙂 I have been inspired by the orthodoxy of the culture I was raised in where women are deemed as creatures who work in the kitchen and do a job plus do every other thing needed to run a house, that’s why this theme is very close to my heart.


    1. Hey thanks a lot for reading it and I know that feeling too and that’s what I tried to inculcate in this, because I do believe that there are many people out there who are giving others everything humanely possible, yet the others don’t give them an ounce of respect and gratitude.


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